Carefoot is a student-journalist at the University of Southern California


Born and raised in beautiful Northern California, Helen Carefoot is a native of Palo Alto, Calif. Extremely adventurous and curious as a child, Carefoot spent her days running up and down her block talking to strangers and neighbors walking by, reporting back to her sister after. As one of four very boisterous children, writing gave Carefoot a way to have her voice heard without having to shout over her brothers. A love of reading and writing grew from Carefoot’s curiosity as a child and has been there ever since. Carefoot first became interested in practicing journalism as a career after a favorite teacher who was a former editor at the Los Angeles Times encouraged her to join the school newspaper. She wants to be a journalist or have a job in the media sector because she feels that journalism allows one to have a new job every day. Carefoot loves journalism because she thinks it allows one to explore and experience a variety of different experiences and viewpoints.


Since high school, Helen has written for a variety of publications and has experience working in all forms of media including print, broadcast, digital, and radio news and storytelling.

Most recently, Carefoot was an Editorial Intern for Sunset Magazine, the West’s leading lifestyle magazine. During her time at Sunset, Carefoot worked closely with the digital team to produce customizable content or the magazine’s online and print editions. Carefoot also contributed to Sunset’s blog, “Westporia,” and assisted in the research department for the magazine’s travel and food sections. Carefoot interned at Indiewire last spring, as well as writing and working as a Staff Reporter for the Julie Chen/Les Moonves Media Center at USC. Previously, she was a Web Producer for Neon Tommy, USC Annenberg’s award-winning online news source, and a Multimedia Journalist for Annenberg TV News.She has consistently produced and written articles that were among Neon Tommy's top 10 most- read stories. At the beginning of her college career, Carefoot worked as an Assistant City Editor at the Daily Trojan. Carefoot’s first writing position was as an Editorial Intern at the Palo Alto Weekly, her hometown’s local paper.

Education and Interests</h3> <p>Carefoot is currently pursuing her Bachelors of Arts degree in Print and Digital Journalism and a minor in International Relations at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Carefoot hopes to attend law school at some point in her life. Carefoot is interested in telling stories, regardless of the topic. She is extremely interested in reporting on global news, humanitarianism and social change. Carefoot is passionate about human rights issues, particularly concerning children, and aspires to produce journalism that has the power to expose injustices and to change lives for the better. Carefoot is passionate about many causes and devotes much of her time to volunteering for the <a href=""></a>Surfrider Foundation and the Morocco Library Project<a href=""></a>, where she is a College Intern.</p> <hr> <h3> Future</h3> <p>Although she is not yet sure of what she wants to do, Carefoot’s dream job would marry her loves of writing, storytelling, travel, and philanthropic and policy work. She hopes to travel the world and would like to eventually settle in London, United Kingdom or Istanbul, Turkey. Carefoot is half-Turkish and is nearly fluent in Turkish. She is currently learning French and eating her way through Los Angeles, stopping at every food truck she sees. Carefoot is trying to avoid being chained to a desk or in a newsroom for as long as possible.</p> </body> </html>