Savannah Ajar

My name is Savannah Ajar, I was born and raised in Sherman Oaks, California, and to be honest, I have not written a biography in a whole year. A lot has changed since that year. One year ago I had just completed two years of community college at Los Angeles Valley College, however that was not always the plan for me. In my last year of high school I applied to many colleges, went of college trips to visit, and got into what I thought was my dream school. When I graduated in 2012, I had a change of heart. I have always loved the beach and the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) seemed like it had it all for me, but something just did not feel right when I was asked to accept my invitation to the university. Although I did not know my major straight out of high school, I knew UCSB did not have a football team. Why is this relevant? I cannot remember a time in my life when I was not surrounded by sports, either playing or watching. I successfully became captain of the past five athletic teams I have participated in, held assemblies in front of the student body and faculty for anti bullying campaigns, facilitated as a mentor for peers with special needs, worked and communicated with highly ranked professionals through paid internships and employments all activities of which thrive on communication. I finally realized my passion for sports could not be ignored as well as strides towards my major in the field of communication or journalism. With that, I made a huge decision for the next step of my life. I chose to play my last two years of club and college soccer, worked as a lifeguard, saved money, and found the best school in the nation for the major that I had been immensely passionate for. Everyday that I worked I encountered real problems that require real solutions to assist real people's lives. People trusted me. I developed the skills to expect the unexpected and successfully solve problems that help me on the job, in the classroom and to prepare me for a bright future. I always told myself to find a job where you do not feel like you are working and here I am, a year later. I am attending the Annenberg School of Journalism as a Broadcast Journalism major with a sports emphasis at the University of Southern California, writing a biography for my Journalism 309 class. The major I am proud to study is my true dream. I thank my family, my journey and my hard work and driven attitude everyday for capitalizing on the opportunities available for me and am going to do whatever I can to make my dreams come true. I love journalism because of the excitement and impact it holds. You will never be writing the same story, watching the same game, interviewing the same person with the same questions. You must think on your feet and complete deadlines. I work well under pressure and cannot think of a better career for me, or one I am more excited to pursue.